Saturday, 17 September 2011

Thunder of Niagara, Niagara Falls Air Show - USA

..Thunder Of Niagara - Air show in USA 

My Son is very fond of Cars and  Airplanes...At work while having Lunch this topic come up and one of my collegue mentioned about this Air show . 
At first I thought its like a regular annual air show we have in Canada, but its not when I checked their site. It sounded Phenomenon. So we have decided to drive to USA for the air show which 150 km from my place.My son was so exited that he told all of his friends about the trip.

Finally the D day has come , as per the show schedule the Niagara air base gates open at 9: 00 AM , so we thought started at 8:00 Am in the morning and reached the Border by 9:30 ( Half hour late) Finally after a long drive beating the Traffic we reached the base. it  was Jam Packed. Some how we found a parking spot and went to the show. To my utter disbelief  I have seen a heavy security check up and in the front I see Planes on the ground and public going into the plane taking pictures in the cockpit, with the pilot. right away I took out my Toy (camera)  stated taking Pictures . I took some 1800 captures . Few of them are here

This one is the Thunderbirds Performing. There are lot more planes performed that day like B2, F-18 Super Hornet, and lots More.. See some of the pictures of the show

All of the Captures were taken at the below setting 

Exposure: 1/250 Sec at f 13
ISO : 100
Shutter Priority Mode ( Tv in some cameras)


  1. Srinivas ,

    These photos look thoroughly professional. They clearly portray the context , with dismal distractions..They demand the attention and appreciation even from the folks remotely interested in photography.

    Keep getting better,

  2. Awesome Man. Lucky to have a passion and live it.
    All the best

  3. difficult shots to capture. Good effort.
