Monday, 26 September 2011

24 Aug 2011 Tornado Waring Day @ Brampton

The Day When Tornado Warning was issued to GTA

Environment Canada issued a tornado watch for the city of Toronto and much of the surrounding region that night i.e., 24 Aug 2011 and was upgraded to severe thunderstorm warning 

At my work place, we were asked to go home at 3:00PM, so that we will be home safe while Tornado hits the city. But due to some unfinished work I stayed back thinking that it’s just a warning. At 6:00 PM I left for Home. On my way back I saw lighting on the free way which scared the hell out of me and at the same time I was excited about taking the Lighting pictures . I rushed to my house , look my toy kit( Camera , tripod and the umbrella – to prevent my camera from getting wet) to the back yard ., started taking pictures. At first it was fun taking the Pictures, but as the time passed and when the big lighting hit the sky, that when I started getting freaked out. But the end result was I was able to capture some good lighting pictures.

To capture Lighting or for that matter firework at Diwali , it is the same trick… Slow Shutter speed. I first tried with 1 Sec speed …did not work then tried with 4 sec was a bit better..Then worked Fantastic with 8 Sec...The same result can also be achieved in Bulb mode, which most of the DSLR’s have. Put everything in Manual mode including the focus start taking Pictures. In addition to tripod you need remote shutter release, by which you will control the duration of exposure 

Meta Data:
Mode:  Manual Mode
Aperture:  f11 – F13
Focus: Manual Focus
Shutter Speed:  8 Sec / bulb mode
ISO: Low ISO 100
WB( White Balance) : Auto
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens:  18mm – 200mm VR II f 3.5 Lens

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Sun Rise...Rising Sun......

Sun Rise...Rising Sun......

I do not know where to start …..The most beautiful moment that occurs first thing every day is Sun rise.Every Individual knowingly or unknowing most awaited moment every day. Words cannot express the beauty of nature; you got to see it believe it. I always wanted to shoot sunrise and sunset. This takes me back to 1970’s when I along with the family visited Kanya kumari, that time we had a Konica film camera. With that Camera I try taking the Sunset and to my astonishment it came out well. I sent the same to Indian Express News Paper for some contest…off course I will don’t win it.
I got all Camera gear charged up  and kept everything in the car the before day night all set .woke up in the morning 4:00 AM texted my friend ( For Photography it is always important to have a group – The best way to share the experience and try new tricks), I silently sneaked of the house .  We reached the spot .
The forecast was cloudy day but still we went out to shoot. Took out my Tripod (Manfratto – 190XB) mounted the camera on.
Now comes the tricky part shot under what setting? , Aperture mode? Or Shutter priority (Tv in some camera’s) or Manual Mode? There are no hard and fast rules to settings one has to use to capture better.  Same results can be achieved with different setting and in different modes. Lot of my friends ask me for the setting for the falls (in my previous post and the lighting that will be posting soon) I cannot really answer that, as Photography is understanding the light surrounding the subject, and it changes all the time and from place to place, as I said you can get the same results in different modes and settings.
I usually shoot most of my images in Aperture priority (you controlling the aperture, and Camera setting up the shutter speed and ISO (common short name for the International Organization for Standardization.)
The ISO setting on the camera is something that has carried over from film. Remember back in the ‘old days’ when you used to go and buy  rolls of film and reads out  rated at 100, 200 or 400, maybe even higher .  Well that number refers to the film’s sensitivity to light. The higher the number, the more sensitive to light the film is.
In simple words Exposure…
It is always advisable to take few test shots before the moment begins  to see how the pictures is captured and make the changes to the settings , as you do not want to be setting your camera while moment happens or happening.
I had very less time (few Minutes) to spare as the sky started to become red I put the ISO in Auto, and see the result…

Finally the Usual Metadata  for these captures
Mode:  Aperture priority
Aperture:  f 9 –f11
Shutter Speed:  0.5 sec to 1/250 sec, depending on the ISO
ISO: Auto
WB( White Balance) : Auto
Camera : Nikon D90
Lens:  18mm – 200mm VR II  f 3.5  Lens

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Niagara Fall @ Night

Its Kind of strange that before taking the shot to my eyes they were Niagara falls , But when I look at the Images , they more look like a rainbow colored silk yarn. I could not believe my eyes ...I have seen Niagara falls in the day light, but never under floodlights ...this was the fantastic experience.

I should Thank my son for that as, He was the one who insisted on the seeing the falls at night on the way back from the US Air show. Enjoy the Images....

These Images were all taken in full manual Mode with
 Metadata for these Captures
Nikon D90
Lens 18-200 mm
Aperture - 14,
Shutter speed 20-30 sec
ISO - 100
Focal Length - 50  mm
There are various ways of achieving the same results,

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Thunder of Niagara, Niagara Falls Air Show - USA

..Thunder Of Niagara - Air show in USA 

My Son is very fond of Cars and  Airplanes...At work while having Lunch this topic come up and one of my collegue mentioned about this Air show . 
At first I thought its like a regular annual air show we have in Canada, but its not when I checked their site. It sounded Phenomenon. So we have decided to drive to USA for the air show which 150 km from my place.My son was so exited that he told all of his friends about the trip.

Finally the D day has come , as per the show schedule the Niagara air base gates open at 9: 00 AM , so we thought started at 8:00 Am in the morning and reached the Border by 9:30 ( Half hour late) Finally after a long drive beating the Traffic we reached the base. it  was Jam Packed. Some how we found a parking spot and went to the show. To my utter disbelief  I have seen a heavy security check up and in the front I see Planes on the ground and public going into the plane taking pictures in the cockpit, with the pilot. right away I took out my Toy (camera)  stated taking Pictures . I took some 1800 captures . Few of them are here

This one is the Thunderbirds Performing. There are lot more planes performed that day like B2, F-18 Super Hornet, and lots More.. See some of the pictures of the show

All of the Captures were taken at the below setting 

Exposure: 1/250 Sec at f 13
ISO : 100
Shutter Priority Mode ( Tv in some cameras)

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Humber Bay Bridge Toronto

Humber Bay Bridge, Toronto, Canada.:  Those were the days when I started testing my Photography skills. The Journey started with the Hunt for  a  good spot to photo shot in downtown Toronto. My friend Scott who is also into Photography Mentioned about this Location. We have decided to meet at a gas station at about 5 : 15 AM to shoot the sun rise over the Down town .this spot is 45 Miles away from our home.

After taking the Sunrise pictures On the way back to the car I took the picture of this bridge.
these Images are taken By Nikon D90, 18 -200 mm VR II Lens

Abstract version of the Humber bay Bridge: The best part of the capture is I love the burst of red in the right corner

Yet Another Abstract view..of the Bridge, this is the beauty of abstract art , you can show the same subject in different ways